Highway 85 has now been up for about 13 months. I didn't make a big deal about the one-year anniversary of the site, because frankly it wasn't a big deal. Pretty simple! I've really enjoyed it and it's been a great experience, and will continue to be- I have a couple of hopefully fun things coming up planned. But I think the best part of the blog is finding out, from my admittedly limited interactions, that everyone in the group and associated with the group is as nice as you would hope they would be. There are certain artists that I think I would have a hard time listening to if they weren't (Chuck D is one that comes to mind, and thankfully he's just an awesome down-to-earth guy. Meanwhile, would anyone care or be surprised if say Lil Wayne was awful to his fans?). No such problem with this crew!
Anyway, here's where I am going with this. One thing that I have resisted is trying to make any money from this site. If anything, I've lost money from buying a lot of the albums, songs, etc. that have popped up here, although I probably would have bought them anyway. Highway 85 has basically been done purely out of my love and appreciation for the group, and my desire to get some of their harder-to-find material out there for other fans like me. That's pretty much it. So I didn't enable google ads or anything like that- not that there would be a ton of money out there, and frankly, by the time this site started to rack up solid hits I basically ran out of material to post on a consistent basis. I'm just trying to say that I didn't think it was right to even try to make money off of someone else's art. But, since I do have a small forum to reach a few folks thanks to this site, I thought I'd give this a shot.
Basically, if you happen to have a few extra bucks in your pocket (and who doesn't these days?) and you'd like to donate to an awesome cause, I would like to point you in the direction of a group called The Healing Kadi Foundation. You can read more about it here (as well as donate), but in a nutshell, there is a doctor
To help these people, the Healing Kadi Foundation has come up with a vision. The first step of that vision is something called a "Clinic in a Can." They have already purchased 3 of these units, units that will provide a sterile environment to perform surgeries as well as other services. So the units have been purchased, but the problem is that they are sitting in a hospital parking lot in Omaha as they are still $15,000 short of the needed funds to ship these clinics (UPS isn't cheap.....). Honestly, if you have you ever worried about making a donation to a chartiy with the fear that the funds wouldn't be allocated effectively, you don't have to worry here- the funds go to shipping these clinics so that they can be used to save lives. Their eventual plan is to build a hospital in the newly independent South Sudan, but that's a long ways off.
For the record, I am not affiliated with this group. My wife just happened to formerly work with Dr. Dumba and has been a witness to the good that he's been doing. It's really an awesome story.
(I was going to post "Africa We Thank Ya" from Strong as part of this, but it's no longer on youtube!)
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