Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heroes of the Harvest Hidden Track

Well,once again, just when you think you have Arrested Development's discography figured out, along comes another surprise.  Here is an apparently hidden bonus song from I presume the original, Japanese release of Heroes of the Harvest.  This album was later released in the US via Vagabond but unfortunately doesn't include this song.  So now you can complete you copy of the album with "U Complete Me".  This is primarily an R&B track, and I'm not quite sure who is singing- it doesn't sound like Eshe to me and was the only female vocalist at this time.  Speech checks in with a great verse as well.  It's not the best quality version but I can't find the Japanese release on sale anywhere, so we'll have to make do.

If you've been out of the loop on AD, I highly recommend picking this album up as it is a great bridge from the old crew to the new crew- plus, you get to hear a lot from Eshe and Rasa Don who are involved to a greater degree then any of their other releases, especially Rasa Don.  There's some great music on there.  Anyway, that's my spiel on that one!

Also, thanks to Kel for sending this to me!  This is how he works- he asks if I've heard of the song and if I have it- I don't- so next thing I know he sends it to me when I'm supposed to be sending it to him....

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