Monday, April 11, 2011

20 Is The Magic Number....

Take I-20 to Highway 85.        
A couple of months ago, Arrested Development mentioned that they were in the studio and beginning to record some new music- presumably for a new album project that would be their seventh studio album.  Well, we now have a name for that project- 20!  I assume this is used to designate the number of years that Arrested Development has been a group (man, have I been listening to them for that long?).  A pretty appropriate name considering their first album was based on the length of time it took them to receive a record deal.  Maybe when the release date draws nearer, they could adjust the title to something like 20 years, 5 months, and 3 days in the life of...  Or would that be too cheesy and derivative?  :)
Not only do we have an album title, but we also have the titles of a few of the songs thanks to their Twitter account:  "The Pretty Woman", (possibly a tribute to Tasha LaRae's favorite Julia Roberts' film :) "U & Me = 3" (described by Speech as having an old school GangStarr vibe), and "My Reflection."  Apparently the project is already nearing completion, so hopefully the good news will come fast and furious now.  I think I speak for everyone checking this out that this is good news all around. 
To close, here are a few lyrics Speech posted from "My Reflection."
 My reflection against what I'm facing in this present day population,we all got placements, we can't control everywhere we were placed in, And really this is all about God's grace....and I know!  

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