Thursday, October 1, 2020

A Return to Conscious Rap?


As most are likely aware, last week saw the release of what to me personally were three really big records from three of my favorites: Arrested Development, naturally, along with Public Enemy and Paris. Many others also took notice of the moment and some included the Nappy Roots in the mix, which is fine as while not one of my personal favorites, I do respect their artistry. 

On that note, Hip Hop DX wrote an article that posed the question "Is This a Return of Conscious Rap?" Considering conscious rap never went away I would say "No" out of principle and stubbornness, but it certainly is refreshing to see a little more attention being sent to these groups at the moment. 

All in all, I think hip hop is a big tent and there's room for all sorts of subject matter and styles, but if people want to embrace the styles and artists I tend to gravitate toward, that would be just fine with me!

Check out the article here, it's a good read.

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