Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I got a package in the mail, the other day, I opened and read it, it said they were Arrested Development..... (OK, that's an awful joke, even by my standards, from one of my favorite Chuck D verses of all time).

So yeah, I got my copy of the US version of Strong in the mail yesterday and I had a chance to listen to it quite a bit. As mentioned before, this version features new "mix-downs" and some tracks that were not on the Japanese version.

I really noticed the new mix downs on the songs "Haters", "We Rad We Doin' It", and "La La La". There are subtle differences throughout, but it really stands out- to me- on those three songs in particular. I really like the new mix of "Haters" compared to the other version, and I think I prefer the mix of "We Rad We Doin' It" on the Japanese version. "La La La" I could go either way on, I like them both about equally. Now I'm not sure how these mixes compare to those available for download- maybe I will download a song to give one a listen and see. As far as this article is concerned, I am comparing the US versions to the Japanese versions in this case.

Speaking of "We Rad We Doin' It," I really thought that was a typo when I ordered my copy of Strong from CD Japan a year or so ago- it seemed like a bad translation to me along the lines of "all your base belong to us". But I love that song! And the title works!

I really like having CD quality versions of "Trends", "Freedom," and "Africa We Thank Ya." "Trends" in particular stands out, such a great song. As far as the packaging goes, they are very similar, but the US version is definitely more user friendly- and actually, more earth friendly as there is no plastic used at all.

No matter how you slice it, you have a great Arrested Development album and that's no small thing. However, it does delete a few tracks from the Japanese version, which is too bad as I really liked a couple of those songs. However, here are some youtube links to a few of those songs, so that you're not missing out if you get the US version.

Here is "So Authentic"

"Granola Girl"

"World is a Friendly Place"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another song missing on the U.S. version is "A Truce". Ya know I'm going to listen back to the Jaanese version of we rad just because you like it better, because generally I so love the US version more. What do you like more about it?

Da Bishop 2010