Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tennesse Live

Well, this is inadvertently turning into "Tennessee" week here at Highway 85- which is fine with me, because I love the song.  I was just sent this live version from the PBS show "Session at West 54th" recorded at Sony Studios in NYC on 9/15/1999 and it has quite a bit different sound from most live versions, so I wanted to post it up.  I'm hoping to get some more tracks from that performance.  Anyway, hope you like live versions of "Tennessee" as I will likely have another one up tomorrow!

Thanks so much to Kel for sending this to me!


Anonymous said...

I should have given you all the info with the song. It not from AOL, It's from PBS' "Session at West 54th". recorded at Sony Studios, NYC, NY 9/15/1999. the interviewer during the show in John Hiatt.

JeremyM said...

Oops, I meant to take that mention out this morning as it became clear when listening to the entire project that it was not from AOL, but I spaced it. Thanks for the correction and I have updated the post!